Remember when…. You used to learn trade skills from your parents or grandparents, maybe how to hunt or fish, how to do basic carpentry and possibly a bit
This is a bit like cutting cake! Swedish flame that burns several hours at a time. Makes a great stove stop without unnecessary equipment. In a SHTF situation
Nutritious, Lightweight & Easy to Prepare. What More Could You Want! Ready Made Meals can taste terrible – but here are 6 flavorsome, nutritious and delicious ready to
In desperate times how on earth can you store food? You dont even need desperate times to know or have to store food. With many electrical outages this
Be Quick – Free Kindle Ebooks. For a limited time Amazon runs FREE offers on a few of their Kindle ebooks. Here is a selection that they are running right now
Want to know how to store gas in case you need it in an emergency? After all, you have more important things to do than drive across town during a disaster,
Shelter Considerations During E&E This Black Scout Tutorials episode covers tips and advice when creating a shelter in the woods during an escape and evasion situation. They teach the
Sensible Prepper Presents: Cool Fire Starting Tricks for SHTF. DYI Extra Long Burning matches Pencil Sharpeners for Tender Hand Sanitizer is for more than cleaning Waterproof matches literally