First-Aid Kit 101: Items to Prepare

In a survival setting, the first-aid kit determines how long you will last.
Unless you are McGyver that can spin out crazy contraptions, it is better to be prepared for the worst and pack a first-aid kit.
First-aid kits aren’t cheap because we are talking about life and death here and one wrong material will get you killed. For example, if you go cheap on knives or don’t use the first-aid kit in a long time. Chances are that the cheaper knives will have some rust when an emergency appears and you are risking tetanus infection. Also some substandard knives are also known to break off, which renders them pretty useless.
The tip here is to slowly build up your kit and get really reasonable items for the price.
Here’s a basic breakdown of the composition of a first-aid kit:
Batteries, Flashlight, Lighter/Matches, Light Stick
Bullion cubes, Portable aqua tabs #1 #2, EmergenC drink mix
Small Tools/ Equipment
Thread, Dental floss, Needles, Razor, Safety Pins, Buttons, Mirror and plastic card
Wrapped in Gaffers tape (30ft) Razor blades, 6#(75ft) & 30#(30ft) fishing line, fish hooks
Altoids tin, aluminum foil, weights, hooks, zip ties, fingernail clippers, whistle, candle, snare, cord saw, honing compound, Superglue
Hydrocortisone, Chapstick, Tourniquet, Neosporin, A&D cream, Sting away, iodine, ammonia swabs, Qtips, Cotton balls & Cotton balls in Beeswax, Ace bandage, Bandage Tape and gloves.
Aspirin, aleve naproxen, Benadryl, Vicodin, Tylenol acetaminophen, ibuprofen, loperamide,
Mole skin, gauzes bandages, space blanket, sling triangle bandage.
Surgical knife, scissors, tweezers, calmoseptine, razor blades, pain relieving cream, iodine swab stick, antiseptic swab, iodine prep pads, 3.0 & 4.0 suture kit, sterile strips, band aids
Heat blanket, Sunscreen, Repel deet, Hand and foot warmer.
With 20 years experience in being outdoors, Chris Walden explains how he built up his First-Aid Kit and what he considers essential.
Check out one of the most comprehensive kits we have seen: