In a survival setting, the first-aid kit determines how long you will last. Unless you are McGyver that can spin out crazy contraptions, it is better to be
This has, by far, got to be the funniest survivalist video I’ve watched while actually learning something! This guy is hilarious. He shares tons of budget simple tips
Low Profile Shoulder Sheath Makes For Some Heavy Impact When You Need It The Most Imagine its dark, you are walking down the street and out of no-where you
Amazing Use Of Space Here! I love the way KnifeTex starts out with an empty pouch and gradually filled it up – this is the opposite of what most people
Be Quick – Free Kindle Ebooks. For a limited time Amazon runs FREE offers on a few of their Kindle ebooks. Here is a selection that they are running right now
Nice Visual Explanation of Prepping Hierarchy! TheUrbanPrepper has recently been re-evaluating the hierarchy of his prepping supplies. In this very good visual explanation he demonstrates how he will make