Minimalist Survival Pack [Video]

August 24, 2015 | Survival Gear, Survival kit
| Love The Sleeping Bag She Made Out Of A Wool Blanket!
If you really like the idea of carrying as little as possible then this video is a must watch. Personally I am always looking for ways to reduce the amount I carry, but still have as much as needed.
Survival Lilly (as she calls herself) is one woman who has thought about whats necessary and whats not making this video a must to check out. She’s got a lot of great ideas and what she has done with her blanket will have you running to the sewing machine to make one of these. Its definitely worth watching at 6 mins 30. If you dont get anything else out of the video what she does with her blanket is gold.
Watch what she considers to be the most important stuff to carry – its not much!: