In a SHTF situation, food will be treated as gold. Those who will survive will be both prepared and creative enough to have other food sources outside the
Nutritious, Lightweight & Easy to Prepare. What More Could You Want! Ready Made Meals can taste terrible – but here are 6 flavorsome, nutritious and delicious ready to
In desperate times how on earth can you store food? You dont even need desperate times to know or have to store food. With many electrical outages this
Frying Steak With The Rock Skillet! This will get your taste buds going! Get those hearty steaks, a bit of mince, onion, a couple of buns, and salt, get that
And You Will Need When The SHTF I can’t overemphasize how important it is to have a backup food supply. Because of terrorism, overspending by our government, and lack