This has, by far, got to be the funniest survivalist video I’ve watched while actually learning something! This guy is hilarious. He shares tons of budget simple tips
Remember when…. You used to learn trade skills from your parents or grandparents, maybe how to hunt or fish, how to do basic carpentry and possibly a bit
This is a bit like cutting cake! Swedish flame that burns several hours at a time. Makes a great stove stop without unnecessary equipment. In a SHTF situation
Use the sun’s solar power to collect fresh water from vegetation and sea water. One of the biggest challenges to any survival situation is getting enough clean water to
Keeping your Ammo Organised, and Free of Moisture and dirt. Bonus benefit is keeping your ammo is usable packs. You know exactly what you have and you can easily
Step by Step Video Showing You How to Improvise a Simple Spring Snare Trap. Being able to trap small game in a survival situation could mean the difference between life and
Want to know how to store gas in case you need it in an emergency? After all, you have more important things to do than drive across town during a disaster,